The Lexington Building
201 West Short Street
Suite 201
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
Telephone: (859) 269-6467
Facsimile: (859) 422-6961
Auto Accidents in Kentucky
Need a Lawyer - Call Us
(859) 269-6467
If you have been in an Auto Accident -
Contact the authorities, report incident to police and accept EMS services if you at all feel he'd injuries or obvious bodily injury. Seek medical treatment immediately if you suspect injuries.
If you are able, write down names and number of any witnesses and take photos of the damage to all vehicles.
Discuss the matter with an attorney before you speak to the insurance company concerning injuries.
Do not talk to anyone about your accident except your counsel and your treating medical providers. You should always ask for identification to verify to whom you are talking.
You should visit your treating physician(s) as often as necessary and should tell them about those symptoms you may suffer.
Please keep track of the problems that you have from your accident or injury.
If you have been injured and receive medical treatment, then make sure you complete treatment and receive a long term medical diagnosis. This may take time as a diagnosis in an emergency room is often preliminary and, should you require further medical treatment, including that of a specialist, this could be a lengthy process. Common injuries from a vehicle collision include, but are not limited to the following:
Fractures to the body and limbs;
Head Injuries, including visible bruises and lacerations to concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI);
Neck Injuries, including significant spinal cord injury to sprain and strains; and
Back Injuries, including significant spinal cord injury to sprain and strains.
Keep an accurate written record of all financial costs and loss, including, but not limited to the following "Damages":
All Medical Bills;
Other Expenses caused by the incident (out of pocket, including paying or requiring others to perform daily essential tasks); and
Wage Loss and impact on your employment.
Also be very aware of your social media presence, because the insurance companies are keeping watch.

Statute of Limitations - The time you have to file a claim is limited, in Kentucky for an auto injury claim (two years from the date of incident or two years from the date of the last no-fault payment, whichever is later. Click the attached link for the relevant statute.
We don't get paid unless you get paid. *Our fee and reimbursement is contingent on you receiving settlement or successful verdict, at which time our "Contingency Fee" is collected from said funds. Be mindful that some attorneys charge greater Contingency Fees than what we at The Mims Firm, PSC charge, so don't be afraid to ask questions. Our standard Contingency Fee is 33 & 1/3 % of your settlement pre-litigation or 40% if litigation is entered.
*Our Contingency fee is related to obtaining damages for pain and suffering in your personal injury cases and hourly charges may be charged for services outside this scope of representation.
We hope this information is helpful and that you will give us the opportunity to represent you though this process.
Understand Types of applicable Automobile Insurance coverages-
Required by Law (See KY Government Website)
All owners of motor vehicles in Kentucky are required to carry minimum liability coverage. This means liability coverage of $25,000.00 for all claims for bodily injury damages sustained by any one person and not less than $50,000.00 for all bodily injury damages sustained by all persons as a result of any one accident, as well as $25,000.00 for all property damage as a result of any one accident. In addition, the policy must provide basic reparations benefits (PIP), unless the insured vehicle is a motorcycle.
Kentucky PIP/No-Fault Insurance - Kentucky is a no-fault state. This means by law you must carry at least $10,000 in PIP coverage. This $10,000 coverage covers the first $10,000 in medical bills for the occupants of your vehicle. For further reference please refer to Kentucky Legislature Website for appropriate Statute.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM) - This coverage compensates you, or other persons insured under your automobile policy, for amounts which you may be legally entitled to collect as damages from an owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle. Kentucky law requires you to purchase Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Coverage unless you tell your insurance company, in writing and sign the rejection form, confirming that you do not want this coverage. The minimum limit allowed by Kentucky law is $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident.
Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM) - This is coverage you should ask your insurance agent for and , for a rather inexpensive additional premium, you should add significant amounts of this coverage for the protection of you and members of your household. As always read the policy and ask questions confirming amounts and who it covers before purchasing. This coverage protects you from a driver that is underinsured. The state minimum coverage is $25,000, so if your involved in an injury accident that causes any significant injury you will likely need the additional protection that UIM coverage provides.

The Mims Firm, PSC call (859) 269-6467
or email